5 Things that Patients Usually Lied On to Nurses

A list of common things that patients would usually lie on to nurses.


  Published at: 04/08/2015

Things that We Nurses Can Only Understand

Nurses experienced situations that only them can understand. That 'nurse moment' that no one can take, except for nurses themselves.

 Published at: 03/25/2015

10 Phrases That Nurses Usually Say in a Day

Nurses have phrases they usually say to thier patients on their shift. It's like nurses' everyday script.

 Published at: 03/23/2015

10 Behaviors That Will Surely Annoy Your Co-Nurses

Nurses sometimes show attitudes and behaviors that annoy their co-workers. Read the 10 most common behaviors of nurses that top the long list.

 Published at: 03/18/2015

Embarrassing Mistakes New Nurses Makes

Nobody is perfect so it is natural for nurses to make mistakes. But sometimes, these mistakes are so embarrassing nurses just want to disappear at that instant. Nurses should learn from these though.

 Published at: 03/16/2015

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